Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our first musical tale is one of an insane, mohawk wielding producer by the name of Kazm. We've got an interview with the man, as well as a couple freebie tracks. Kazm is an up and coming producer with a unique and HEAVY sound! Listening to his tracks can (and will) cause side effects such as Kidney Stones, Trouble Breathing, Blindness, Heart Palpitations, Sleep Killing, Erratic Dancing and the dreaded Anal Seepage!

Now, Having said that, Lets kick this shit off proper with the interview!

So, Kazm, Where do you live?

Swansea, Wales. Born and bred welshman motherfucker!

How old are you?

18 years old.

How long have you been producing?

Hmmm... probably coming up to two years since I first started, though it's been about 7/8 months since I started taking it seriously.

What software/hardware do you use for production?

Currently running FL Studio, with Albino for the majority of my synths, as well as a variety of other VSTs.

What is your favorite Genre of music?

I've gotta say Dubstep really haven't I? Haha. Although Dubstep is the genre I listen to most, I listen to almost anything really, ranging from heavy metal to orchestrations. The only thing I don't really like is indie rock and pop.

What musicians/bands are your five biggest musical influences?

Hmmm... well, the first time I ever heard dubstep was when some guy I met in a park played me Cockney Thug, and it blew my mind. So Rusko has to be in there (Fuck all of you who hate on him, he's a top notch producer, even though his new stuff ain't that good.) Borgore is another one, I love the way he mashes up different vibes in his tune (Again, fuck you haters :P) Flux Pavilion, for his insane production level and variety, Bratkilla for the sheer heaviness of his tunes And of course, I have to put Pendulum in here, if it wasn't for them, I probably wouldn't even be listening to electronic music. But then there's Reso... Spor... Aach, I can't keep it to 5! Haha.

What is your current favorite Song?

Ach, you can't ask me that! It's like telling me to pick one of my children... but I don't have any, so it's not anything like that. Probably Shekel - Tarantino at the moment, it's ace, check it out.

If you could spin a set with One other DJ of your choice, who would it be and why?

Oh man, it's gotta be JFB for his mad skilzzzzzz. Though he'd properly show me up.

If you were stuck on a deserted island, what two things would you want with you?

A laptop and an internet connection :P Failing that, a fucking powerful sound system and djing equipment.

Can you recommend a funny youtube video for us to watch?

Anything on AndrewShrock's channel. Not only is he hilarious, he's an amzing skater too. Check it out.

Out of these three adjectives, which do you prefer: "Nasty" "Grimey" "Filthy" ?

Probably Nasty, coz you can have a Nasty tune that is slow and relatively mellow, but it can also mean it's fast and brutal. It covers more ground that the other two :P

Finish this sentence: "Dubstep makes me..."

Jizz and shit at the same time with no warning.

What's the story behind your name, "Kazm"?

To be honest, it's not that interesting :P My real name is Kieran, and an internet alias I used to use (And still do, actually) was "Kiigazm". One day I just had a brainwave after having no luck thinking up a decent alias, and the idea to take a few letters out of "Kiigazm" hit me. Voila, Kazm.

What can we expect from you in terms of upcoming releases?

My second free LP "Epic Mohawk Vol 2: Enter The Deathhawk" should be finished soon, so that'll be a good 12-13 tunes for you all. For free, too :D. Plus, of course the "Insanity EP" coming out through good old NSD :)

Do you have anything particular you'd like to say to the readers?

Smoking is big and clever, always take candy from strangers, and don't even think about not sharing your heroin needles. That's just selfish.
Peace :D

There you have it folks! Some heart felt, real talk. I hope this has inspired you to do something awesome, even if that something is just saving money on heroin needles and at the same time, learning to share a little. Now for the fun stuff! Kazm has offered out a Free copy of his track "Cyber Terrorist" which you can download HERE
Also, Here's the self titled track from his upcoming "Insanity EP" which will be dropping soon!

Follow Kazm on these socialite elitist fanclub sites:
Not Strictly Dubstep:

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