Monday, November 29, 2010

L.F.R.- Second Place Contest Winner - Interview!

Today, We post about our Second Place winner of the NSD Competition, Leo Monger, or L.F.R. His track, "Stand Off", Incorporates a unique blend of chugging metal guitar, dirty wobbles, and all out dubstep mayhem.

We've got an Interview with the man, as well as his Second Place winning track at the bottom of the post!


How did you find out about Not Strictly Dubstep?

I saw a banner for it on a blogging website I think.

Where are you from?

I'm English, currently studying music technology at Kingston University in South London.

How old are you?

I'm 19

What does the name "L.F.R." mean?

"L.F.R." is my first three initials.

How long have you been producing?

I've been producing music for roughly 7 years now, and playing guitar for about 10.

What Inspired you to start producing music?

I got into producing first because I wanted to record some of the tracks I was writing on the guitar. My dad was making an album from home at the time so he had a lot of software I could use and it kind of all sprung from there.

Are you currently signed to any record labels?

I'm signed with Monkey Dub Recording at the moment.

Do you have any music currently being distributed online or physically?

I've got a track called 'Gone Off The Deep End' which is available here:

What would you say is your main genre?

For the past few years dubstep has been the genre I've felt most inspired to work around but I make a bit of hiphop and write a lot of acoustic stuff as well.

How has your music evolved since you first started producing?
Well when I first started producing it was mainly metal that I was recording so I guess with this track you could say it hasn't changed much! But yeh I've gone through periods of being interested in so many different genre's since I first started, I think it's evolving all the time.

What software do you mainly use for music production?

I was using Reason mainly, running it through cubase for audio recording, but I've just made the jump from pc to mac so it's gonna be Logic from here on out!

What would you say is the most important part of a well produced track? (i.e. mix, melody, energy, ect.)

Well I guess it depends on what you're trying to create. When it comes to dubstep, or any dance music for that matter, I think it's all in the energy! Mixing can come later. You can mix a track to the highest standard but if it doesn't have that energy, if it doesn't make you're heart go when you listen to it, then why bother? Sort the energy out first, there's all the time in the world to sit in the studio tweaking levels.

What is your favorite genre of music to listen to?

At the moment I'm listening to a lot of hiphop.

Who is your favorite producer/DJ/band?
In terms of producers, I'm a big fan of Flux Pavillion, Distance, Burial, guess it depends on my mood! Dj wise I like N-type cos I've seen him play some really good shows, Silkie and Loefah both killed it when I saw them as well. My favourite band would be The Root's, there playing in London soon as well so I'm stoked!

What's your current favorite track to drop in a set?
Oh man, 'Gamma Ray Burst' by Downlink always fuckin kills it when I wanna floor people! 'Normalize' by Flux Pavillion and 'Druid' by Marlow both get people pretty excited or if I'm playing a more chilled set 'Level 9' by Mala is a deep one to drop.

If you were trapped for eternity with only one item, what would that item be and why?

Hmm I could be boring and say my guitar cos I think it'd be the one thing that could always keep me entertained! But I'll go for one of those adventure books where you make decisions about the story and choose what page you wanna go to just to see if I could make every possible eventuality happen.

If your music had a smell, what do you suppose it would smell like?

The Forest.

Fill in the blank: "Shove a ________ in it!"

Dirty great wobble.

Was fuzzy wuzzy fuzzy?


Do you prefer high energy or more chill music?

I'm all about the high energy.

Do you have any advice to give potential or learning producers?

Sort you're drums first. If the beats sick then everything else sounds good. Make sure the track has some kind of forward motion, something pushing it along, and if you're stuck with where to go with it then go see someone who really knows how to perform that kind of music do a show. When you get back sit away from the computer and listen to you're track as a fan rather than an artist, you'll feel what needs to come next. Once you're happy with a track get it out there, send it to record companies, radio stations, play it at shows, just make sure people are hearing it! And enter competition's on the internet, it's seemed to work pretty well for me :)

Anything else you would like to add?
Yeh, check my Soundcloud to hear more of my music and also the Monkey Dub Remix contest ep, I think it's gonna be titled 'Re-grinded' which is coming out very soon, I was one of the competition winners for that one as well.

Be Sure to Follow L.F.R. to keep up to date on future releases and to hear more of his tunes!
Big Up to L.F.R. and everyone who took part in the competition!

Follow L.F.R.

And now, the second place track!

Align Center

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