Saturday, December 11, 2010

Interview with Speedy - Our Third Place Contest Winner.

Hello again bassheads! I hope you're all doing well, even you naughty boys and girls.
Today, we have for you a one of a kind interview with our Third Place winner - Speedy. Speedy is an 18 year old producer from Norwich, England. He wowed us with his unique, musical perspective on dubstep. He's helping to pave the way for new sounds and styles in an ever growing world of music.
But anyways, I'll let him tell you his insights via our interview:

How did you find out about Not Strictly Dubstep?

searching for a dubstep forum on google.

How long have you been producing?

3 years

What Inspired you to start producing music?

a mixture of things. before i started producing music i wasnt really in to
electronic music, let alone dubstep. I was very much a 'metalhead'. I got
fruity loops just to create backing tracks for my guitar work, then realised
the joys of electronic music. i then started listening to rave music, then
eventually going to raves, and i then developed a love for massive amounts
of bass. i s'pose that my love of dubstep sprung from that.

Are you currently signed to any record labels?

none whatsoever but im very open to offers ;)

Do you have any music currently being distributed online or physically?

yes, mainly on

What would you say is your main genre?


How has your music evolved since you first started producing?

its become more... agressive i'd say. still melodic and keeping the original
purpose of what i believe dubstep should be / is, but more energetic in a sense.

What software do you mainly use for music production?

fruity loops 8

Any particular VST's that you'd like to give credit to?

sytrus for its (often misunderstood / unrecognised) versatility and NI Massive
for its ease of use and manipulation.

What would you say is the most important part of a well produced track?
(i.e. mix, melody, energy, ect.)

based on personal and world experience i would have to say its the
mix down that is the most important thing to creating, not only a well produced
track, but also a popular track with the public. Ive heard some brilliantly composed
tunes by some unknown artists and they go unrecognised forever purely because the
artist has little understanding of mixing. i believe it to be a shame because people
dont give enough credit to good composition (especially in the Dubstep genre it seems).
people just care about the quality of the sounds, and to some extent that was the
original vibe of the scene 'quality and feeling of sound'.

What is your favorite genre of music to listen to?

Dubstep or Grime. nothing beats a bass so hard that it (quite literally) controls your

Who is your favorite producer/DJ/band?

Producer: Bar 9
DJ: Jaguar Skills
Band: As i lay dying

Do you play any instruments?

Ocarina ;) haha
guitar, piano, drums and double bass. most of my songs start out life as a silly riff on

the piano and then get transferred / programmed in to the computer.

Do you DJ? If so, when and where was your favorite set that you played?

I do but ive not done any large sets yet

Fill in the blank: "Behind every successful musician, there is a ________"

'slowly deafening mathematician.' music is all about a) the numbers: tempo, rhythm, modes,
frets etc... and b) VOLUME!

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

a tootsie what? i estimate 100?

Would you prefer ambient or grimey?

a mix up of the two. the way i see it is that, youve gotta prove to people you can do the
melody side of things, and possibly even set them up to think that the tune is chilled, and
then at exactly the right moment drop it in to some grimey filthy tune. a good tune always
surprises you! if music is predictable its boring.

Do you have any advice to give potential or learning producers?

Work hard on production, learn to play an instrument outside of the computer program &
always be over critical of your own music. but most of all enjoy it!

there it is, the deep, introspective insights of a great up and comer! If you're interested in finding out more about Speedy, or contacting him, follow him on his various intermediary websites!


Much respect to speedy for his awesome tune, and to everyone for being supportive of Not Strictly Dubstep and what we're doing. Keep tuned for upcoming contests!

And now, Speedy's Track, "Underground":

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